Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Child's Play reboot on again..off again?

Source:Update claims reboot off

At some point I had managed to lose track of this reboot. Last I followed it was around 2008, as the article states, which was when it was first announced. As most reboots/remakes, or movies in general go, once something is announced it's pretty easy to lose track of it under the assumption that it is "in the works" so to speak and you'll hear an update whenever it comes. I was shocked to find out that the reboot had been off in the first place, but was glad to see it was back on. 

Child's Play is one of those franchises you either seem to love or hate. Personally, I love it. I don't particularly like the new movies(who does?) but the original three are certainly entertaining enough, with the first one being a fantastic horror flick all around. I was happy to see Don Mancini, who had once spoke of the franchise as if it were his personal anchor and bane to his existence, actually had some enthusiasm for the new reboot and I was very anxious to see what would come of it. Not only did the promise of Chucky being scary again leave me excited, but also it is seemingly one franchise that Hollywood powers have deemed it OK to not use CG where it otherwise would be easy(I hate CG).

Although many won't be crying over a reboot not happening, I'm ultimately disappointed in this one. It's inevitable that Chucky makes his return to the screen, I had just hoped it could have been done sooner rather than later. I can only hope that when that time comes they stick to the darker roots and not waste potential with another total B-movie sequel.

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